Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness Resources

The Resource Center hosts a variety of services to meet all of your health and wellness needs. Call 503-751-1644 to learn more.

OHP Eligibility & Application Assistance

Connect with an application assister to determine if you are eligible for the Oregon Health Plan and complete an application. Assisters available daily.

Pediatric Care

Small Town Pediatrics is a full pediatric medical practice hosted inside the Resource Center. This expansion from their Silverton office ensures that children can be seen right here in their home community. Call (503) 400-3852 or visit their website to register a new patient.

Long term care assistance

Staff from NorthWest Senior & Disability Services are available onsite to help answer questions about eligibility for services and to assist you in enrolling when it is time.


The Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) Program provides wholesome food, nutrition education, breastfeeding support, health care referrals and more to income eligible women who are pregnant or post-partum, infants, and children up to 5 years old. To find out if you are eligible, schedule an appointment at 503-751-1644

Free Clinic

Polk Community Free Clinic is hosted at the Resource Center on 2nd and 4th Saturday each month. To make an appointment, call 503-990-8772. Walk-ins are limited to provider availability.