Housing Services
Locating a place to live and understanding the process can be complicated. We can help.
Our team of experts can help to navigate through the Section 8 Housing Voucher Program requirements, complete applications, identify safe and stable housing units, provide ongoing case management to address barriers to housing, and in some cases, help to secure funding for rental deposits.
Our lobby is also equipped with a public access computer that can be used for the search for your next home. Stop by during regular business hours to use this resource.
Call ahead to schedule an appointment with our team to talk through housing options.
Homeless Prevention & Outreach Services
The Homeless Prevention and Outreach team is available to support those who are currently unhoused by providing screenings and intensive case management services to address barriers to housing.
Coordinated Entry
Call 503-751-1644 to schedule a Coordinated Entry assessment. This is the tool used to determine eligibility for all local homeless services programs.
The Resource Center focuses our efforts on preventing homelessness by working with those with eviction notices to stay in their current housing when possible.
Rapid Rehousing
Once determined eligible, families and individuals can receive up to two years of intensive case management and support with application fees, deposits, rent, and utilities.
For more information about what is happening to support the homeless prevention efforts in our community, please visit the Partners Aligned Toward Housing Solutions website, located here.
The Polk Community Resource Center does not provide emergency shelter. If you would like to schedule a coordinated entry assessment to get started, please call us at 503-751-1644